
"As the largest country in Latin America, Brazil boasts impressive socioeconomic indicators, including an estimated population of 200 million in 2012 (rank:5th worldwide),1 a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in excess of 2 trillion USD (rank:7th),2 and annual pharmaceutical market sales of nearly 28.5 billion USD (rank: 6th)

Impact of Clinical Study Regulatory Approval Delays in Brazil In addition to a favorable and stable economic environment, strong culture, and regulatory compliance to good clinical practices by trained investigators and staff, Brazil’s well-structured research sites have been attracting international investments over the past decade. Some of these investments are reflected in terms of the growth of international clinical studies conducted in the country from 16 Phase II and III industry-sponsored studies in 2002 to 103 in 2012."

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PL 7.082/17

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Manifestação sobre a CPI da Fosfo

A Aliança Pesquisa Clínica Brasil vem a público manifestar-se sobre o Relatório final da Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) da Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de São Paulo sobre o estudo de eficácia da fosfoetanolamina sintética, a chamada “pílula do câncer”.
